Monday, November 10, 2008

Chapter Three Response

In chapter three the author finally gets the plot going with some conflict. The first two chapters the book was busy with making us familiar with all the characters on the farm besides George and Lennie, and the author also stirred up a bit of conflict by having Curley instantly pick on Lennie. The third chapter was a lot more fun to read than the previous chapters, Candy letting Carlson shoot his dog is one event that demonstrates the authority that Slim has among the farm workers. First Carlson complains about the dog and how much he smells, he then suggest that the dog be shot and put out of his misery. Candy first hesitates and does not want to kill his dog, but then as Slim tells him that dog isn't any good to himself anymore he lets Carlson shoot the dog. The other major event in this chapter is the fight between Lennie and Curley. Prior to the fight Candy overhears George and Lennie's conversation about the piece of land that they always dream about getting. With Candy chipping in over $ 300 the little farm they always wanted is finally in reach and the reader is left wondering if they eventually accomplish their dream. Then Curley starts a fight with Lennie and only after George telling him multiple times to fight back he grabs Curley's fist and crushes it. This part of the third chapter shows how destructive Lennie can be and I feel that something will happen in the next chapters with Lennie by mistaking killing someone like he did with the mouse in the first chapter.

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